介绍 gRPC is a high-performance open-source feature-rich RPC framework gRPC is originally developed by Google o Now it is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation-CNCF g stands for different things in each gRPC release: gRPC, good, green, glorious, game, gon https://github. com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/g_stands_for. md RPC stands for Remote Procedure Calls gRPC, RPC 代表着远程调用的框架(Remote Procedure Calls),一种可以让一个程序远程调用另一个在其它服务器上程序的协议。而该框架会帮我们自动生成网络交互部分的具体代码,同时客户端仅需要一个能够调用这个服务的代码函数就可以了,服务端甚至不需要跟客户端是同一种编程语言。 ...